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Tooth Extraction

Have a complaint about a dentist? You may well be able to claim
How much compensation for wrong tooth extracted
How much compensation for wrong tooth extracted

Wrong Tooth Extracted?

Although rarely a pleasant experience, many of us find ourselves needing to have a tooth extracted at some point in our lives and this can be for a number of reasons.

When we visit the dentist we inevitably put our trust in them to carry out the procedure efficiently and professionally, rarely giving a second thought to something going wrong. However, regrettably this can and does happen.

A considerable number of difficulties can come about in an extraction such as the fracturing of the tooth itself, the tooth being damaged around the affected area or in the most extreme situations the dentist actually removing the wrong tooth entirely.

Other problems include issues with the teeth becoming infected after the procedure or the tooth taking a particularly long time to heal. There is also a small risk of patients suffering nerve damage, which is usually temporary but can be permanent in very rare cases.

At Clear Law we have lots of experience in settling claims for dental negligence. If you or your loved one has suffered as a result of negligence during tooth extraction then we may be able to help you in pursuing a claim for compensation. Give our experienced team a call on 0800 999 1875 or contact us online.

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