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Botched Tuberous Breast Surgery

Have you suffered after a botched tuberous breast surgery?
Compensation for botched tuberous breast surgery
Compensation for botched tuberous breast surgery

Cosmetic Surgery Compensation

Tuberous breast abnormality is a condition caused by a lack of development in the breast tissue during puberty. The condition means that the breasts will grow asymmetrically, appearing droopy and often quite far apart. The condition can make women feel extremely self-conscious and insecure. Surgery can treat the problem however it must be noted that this is a fairly complex procedure.

Tuberous Breast Surgery can cost up to £10,000. Before undergoing this type of surgery you would need to arrange a thorough consultation with a qualified surgeon to ensure that this operation is suitable for you. The problem is graded by severity and when symptoms are less severe, it can be quite difficult to detect. By contrast, in severe cases it can be very difficult to treat the problem, so you need to be sure that you surgeon is experienced in carrying out this procedure.


What Happens if it Goes Wrong?

Regrettably things may not always go how you expected they would and should you find yourself in this position then Clear Law are here to help you. Fill in our call back form and one of our expert lawyers will be able to contact you and support you with a claim for compensation. As many botched procedures require corrective surgery, this compensation will help with the cost of putting it right.

What Happens Next?

We are able to help you in dealing with complaints, seeking answers or making a claim for compensation for you. We have a professional team dealing with plastic surgery procedures which have gone wrong or fallen below the standard you would expect, from all of forms of breast enhancement surgery (including PIPs),tummy/stomach tucks, liposuction and nose reshaping procedures to name just a few.

Whatever your worry, we will work with you and direct you through the claims process. Complete our claim form and we can start your claim today.

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