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Breast Augmentation

Have you suffered after a botched Breast Augmentation?
Compensation for botched Breast Augmentation
Compensation for botched Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation Surgery is a very popular procedure designed for women who have small or underdeveloped breasts and want to increase their size, or women who have large breasts but would like to go bigger again.

We tend to have high expectations of the results we’d get, particularly given the way that many clinics advertise themselves. When clients go to these clinics, they often seem like five star hotels rather than a hospital, giving them the impression that they’d receive high-quality care from their cosmetic surgeon or clinician. Occasionally clients will pay extra to stay and recover in the clinics or in resorts close-by increasing the cost of their cosmetic procedure and adding to the financial loss of their negligent care or surgery.

Sadly things may not always go how you hoped they would and should you find yourself in this position then Clear Law can help. Fill in our call back form and one of our cosmetic surgery solicitors will contact you and help you with a claim for compensation. As many botched procedures will need corrective surgery, this compensation will help with the cost of putting it right.

What happens after the procedure?

If you have had the operation under a local anaesthetic, you will be able to go home as soon as the nursing staff are happy that you have had something to eat and drink and you are able to walk without difficulty. If you have the operation under a general anaesthetic, you will most likely need to stay in hospital overnight. Your breasts will be swollen for several weeks following the operation and you will need to wear a support bra once the dressings have been removed. You can normally return to work around two weeks after a breast augmentation procedure, however it is advised that you do not undertake any strenuous activity for at least four weeks. You will have a scar after breast augmentation surgery however this is normally hidden beneath the crease of the breast.

How much does the surgery cost?

Breast Augmentation Surgery will cost around £5,000. The procedure is suitable for women of almost any age, however your breasts should be fully developed before you undergo the procedure. Most surgeons won’t operate on any person under 18 and legally, you can’t undertake the procedure without your parents’ consent under the age of 16. You should have a thorough consultation with your operating surgeon before the procedure to ensure that there are no medical concerns and that they are happy to operate.

What Happens Next?

We are able to help you in dealing with complaints, seeking answers or making a claim for compensation on your behalf. We have an expert team dealing with cosmetic surgery procedures that have gone wrong or fallen below the standard you’d expect including all forms of breast enhancement surgery (including PIPs), tummy/stomach tucks, liposuction and nose reshaping procedures to mention only a few.

Whatever your worry, we will help you and direct you through the entire legal process. Complete our claim form and we can start your claim today.

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