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A father-of-four, who faces life in a wheelchair after doctors failed to treat a back injury with sufficient urgency, can look forward to a better future after securing a seven-figure settlement of his compensation claim against the NHS.

After the gentleman suffered a slipped disc, a GP failed to make an urgent referral to hospital. Seven months passed before he was given a hospital appointment, by which time he was unable to stand independently, and further weeks passed before a scan revealed that his spinal cord was under pressure.

He underwent emergency surgery, but was left paralysed from the chest downwards and entirely dependent on a wheelchair and his wife’s care. He has since become morbidly obese; his life expectancy is substantially shortened and he has shown a reluctance to accept professional care.

After a personal injury claim was brought against the man’s GP and the NHS trust which managed the hospital, judgment was entered against both of them. His compensation settlement comprises a £1.74 million lump sum, plus index-linked and tax-free annual payments to cover the costs of his care for life.

Although more often than not illnesses and injuries are diagnosed quickly and efficiently when we visit our doctor and express concerns, sadly cases like the above do happen. Should you or your family find yourself in a situation where your illness and injury has been misdiagnosed or diagnosed at a very late stage, and this has impacted on your or their health, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. To discuss your legal options, please call our experienced and knowledgeable solicitors on 0800 122 3036 or visit our dedicated website at