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Pressure Ulcers, also know as pressure sores or bedsores, are injuries that break down the skin and underlying tissue. They are generally caused when an area of skin is placed under pressure for a long or short period of time, and can range in severity from a patch of discoloured skin to open wounds that expose the underlying bone or muscle.

Pressure Ulcers develop when high pressure is applied to an area of skin for a short period of time, or low pressure is applied for a long period of time. The additional pressure disrupts the flow of blood through the skin and without this blood supply, the affected skin becomes starved of oxygen and nutrients and, as a result, begins to decompose and break down, leading to the formation of an ulcer. The most common people to be affected by pressure ulcers are those whom are affected by health conditions that make it difficult to move; for example those confined to bed or those who can only sit for long periods of time. It is estimated that around 1 in 20 people who are admitted to hospital with a sudden illness will develop a pressure ulcer.


While the use of dressings, creams and gels can help in speeding up the healing process of pressure ulcers, the best way to deal with them is to avoid their development in the first place. This can be done by regularly changing a person’s position, and by using equipment to protect the vulnerable parts of the body such as specially designed mattresses and cushions.

What if someone you care for has developed pressure ulcers?

Unfortunately it is not always possible to prevent the development of pressure ulcers even with the highest standards of care, but in most cases if they are noticed early enough then suffering and complications can be minimised. If the sores are ignored, not noticed, or left to develop, then it is possible that you could be entitled to claim for negligence against the care provider. Our solicitors have years of experience in dealing with these kinds of cases and will swiftly be able to tell you if you have a case, and if so how much your claim could be worth. Contact us today to start the claims process and make sure you get the compensation you deserve.