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Bedrails, also referred to as side rails or cot sides, are widely used in the healthcare sector to reduce the risk of people falling out of their bed. They aren’t suitable for all cases, but used in the right way, with the right bed and the right person they can be very effective. However, if they are used in the wrong way, with the wrong bed or with the wrong person, they can become deadly.

Poorly fitting bedrails can cause death when a patient’s neck, chest or limbs can become trapped, and there are plenty of other risks; a patient could potentially roll over the top if a bedrail is too low, they might climb over the rail or they could even climb over the footboard. If the patient suffers from violent shaking as a part of their condition this could potentially lead to the rails becoming dislodged, or the patient injuring themselves or others on the rails themselves.

Bedrails are considered as medical devices, and hence their utilisation and management falls under the authority of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, also known as MHRA.

Bedrails need very careful management. According to the Health and Safety Executive users should ensure:

  • Bedrails are only provided when they are the right solution to prevent falls,
  • A risk assessment should be carried out by a competent person; taking into account the bed’s occupant, the bed, the mattress, the rails and all other associated equipment,
  • The rail must be suitable for the bed and the mattress,
  • The mattress must fit snugly between the rails,
  • The rail is correctly fitted, secure, regularly inspected and maintained,
  • Gaps that could cause the entrapment of the neck, head and chest are eliminated,
  • Staff must be trained in the risks and safe use of bedrails.

What if you have been injured by bedrails?

If you or someone you love has been injured as a result of the incorrect or dangerous use of bedrails, you could be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Our solicitors have years of experience in handling medical negligence claims like yours, so contact us today to find out free of charge how we can help you get the pay out you deserve.